Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Academic Ramblings from Essay Writing Service UK

Greetings everybody from everyone here at Essay Writing Service UK To begin, this being February, it seems appropriate to offer a few words on optimism and its distant cousin reality distant because, the more hopeful our ambitions become the less grounded they tend to be. Consider that February is the most optimistic month of the year, a time in which people openly announce resolutions for the entire year, which is as fanciful as it gets. It's difficult enough sticking to such resolutions for seven days let alone three-hundred and sixty five. By placing our ambitions too far afield they become impossible to reach; we set ourselves up to fail and gain nothing but the loss. The same thinking is at work when we decide that, this year, we will study every night, attend every lecture, work twice as hard, party half as much, and so on; finally, the hope runs, we will emerge from that chrysalis the beautiful butterfly we've been waiting to become. Gym membership skyrockets, but no one seems to be getting any fitter. This is because (if we're honest with o urselves), in spite of our best intentions, the likelihood of maintaining a wholesale lifestyle change for more than week is rather low. In consequence, December's lacklustre student will not suddenly become February's model scholar. The point is that genuine academic or personal change does not come at the click of a switch but, rather, is an incremental process. This is because, put simply, people don't transform, suddenly; they evolve, gradually which, in fact, is a huge relief: because, now, the pressure's off; now, you don't have to suddenly be a model student. You just have to be a model student that day. Anyone can do something for a day. And then the next day, then the next. You just need to approach your goals in the spirit of Ancient Roman architecture: one day at a time. This is the key to academic success, making things easy for yourself, first and foremost in your own head. Break it down even further. Everybody can do twenty minutes of study every day; and if you do that every day . . . You see where we're headed with this. Incrementally build your work day by day, a sentence or citation at a time, slowly constructing the final product. The trick is to do a little a bit many times rather than doing a lot a few times. Coffee fuelled all-nighters and last minute cramming sessions are not the solution. In fact such disproportionate behaviour overtaxes the mind and the body, both of which you really want in full-form all the time, let alone when sitting an exam or penning a thesis. Quick-fix study techniques will only set you back in the long run; whereas if you really understand your topic, addressing it will not be difficult. Don't make the work an enemy, make it an ally; find what you enjoy in the subject, make it work for you. Let us consider the example of the dissertation, which is likely be the longest piece of academic prose you will ever compose, a very important piece of work any way you look at it. Say you have a word count of ten thousand words. This figure can seem daunting, because it represents the outcome as opposed to the process of the work, which is the exact opposite of the way you should be thinking about it. All your focus should be on the day's contribution. If you wrote only a hundred words a day every day, you would finish your dissertation, or the first draft at least, in just over three months. This gives you another six or so months for revisions, additions, amendments, for polishing your work to a fine finish. This is how you get a first-class result. You make it easy on yourself. One hundred words a day is not an optimistic ask it is a realistic one, because it demands only a very slight change to your daily routine; and there's better news on top. The more you get into the habit of a bit of scholarly work every day, the more analytically able you will become. You will essentially be conditioning your mind to critical thinking on a regular basis. As a result, critical thinking will become part of your general way of processing information as opposed to being something you simply employ when needed; that is, it will become second nature. This ability will be a great asset when it comes to sitting exams; moreover, you will find it becomes easier and easier to complete other essays quickly and skilfully. Indeed, you will find that such mental conditioning helps you with life in general, because this daily digest of academia will be incrementally sharpening your mind in all kinds of unexpected ways, in a wax-on, wax-off kind of fashion: honing your wit, alacrity, cognition, memory, and so forth. The consistent thread in all of the above, you've probably noticed, is the fact of breaking things down into manageable chunks a kind of intellectual divide and conquer strategy, if you like. The idea being to place yourself in the most advantageous position possible by tackling objectives one process at a time. This necessarily requires a realistic and practical approach, which, if followed, will invariably deliver results. If you write a hundred words a day for a hundred days, you will have ten thousand words; no two ways about it. You just need to get your mind fixed in the right trajectory. After all, the first port of call for any great achievement is in the mind of the doer. Being able to think critically and act logically will put you in good stead for success. There is no reason not to equip yourself with every available advantage in your academic career. Make things easier on yourself. Make a new day's resolution. Start today and see how it goes; and remember, every day you meet your goal is another success, and success deserves to be rewarded. How Can I Order? It's really simple to place an order withEssay WritingService UK. Simply place the order online by clickinghere. Alternatively, feel free to call one of our friendly consultants to discuss your specific requirements on0203 011 0100. 1. Prepare in AdvanceIf you want to avoid feeling anxious in the exam hall, you want to start preparing for each exam well in advance. The last thing you want to do is start cramming last-minute as this will only get you more worked up and panicked.2. Sleep WellThere's little point in pulling an all-nighter before an exam as this will only make you exhausted and could have a negative influence on your performance. It's hard to focus on your exam if you're trying hard to stay awake!3. Healthy EatingIt's important that you eat well before your exam. A nutritious breakfast or lunch will set you in good stead for your morning or afternoon exam. Be careful not to overeat as this will make you feel tired. Likewise with not eating anything at all; even if your appetite isn't there, it will come back to haunt you at some point in the exam

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Abolitionist Movement essays

Abolitionist Movement essays During the thirty years that preceded the Civil War, abolitionism was a major factor in electoral politics. Abolitionism refers to antislavery activism between the early 1830s, when William Lloyd Garrison began publishing The Liberator, and the Civil War. By the year 1834, there existed a weak framework of abolitionists, many who were determined free blacks from the north who had a common goal, the emancipation of slavery. These abolitionists took great courage and leadership, for slavery was either against their moral beliefs and gave the anti-slavery movement the growing popularity that it needed. I believe that the abolitionists (only anti-slavery persons), who wanted an immediate end to slavery, radicalized the anti-slavery movement by demanding an, immediate end to slavery and recognition of equality by the year 1836. By the year 1607, Americans realized that the Chesapeake was immensely hospitable to tobacco cultivation. However growing tobacco meant more labor, but where was the labor source to be from? The Colonies found their answer in indentured servant, servants who voluntarily mortgaged the sweat of their bodies for several years to Chesapeake masters. In exchange they revived transatlantic passage and eventual freedom dues. However, due to various reasons, indentured servants no longer poured in to America as they had previously done. Thus, the importation of slaves from Africa began. Many rich plantowners, etc did not think of the moral obligations that one has toward God and were greedy. They exploited these poor, innocent, capable, Blacks and changed the World forever. The New Years Day in the year 1831, The Liberator (doc. D), had the following passage, Assenting to the self evident truth maintained in the American Declaration of Independence, that all men are created equal, and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights... ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Mong Schoolchildrn Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mong Schoolchildrn - Essay Example This book rvls th story of young tchr's lif nd work in th Klly School, prt of th Holyok, Msschusts school systm. Th book provids insight into wht it is lik tching in multiculturl clssroom nvironmnt nd how importnt it is to b bl to monitor nd djust to troubld studnts, how vitl it is to chng your mthods of working, whr tching 24/7 profssion, not 8:00-5:00 job. During th whol yr Chris tckls not only issus of difficult studnts but prsonl issus s wll. This book provids futur tchrs with much rquird glnc t th rlitis of tching whr strss of bing tchr is vidnt. From Sptmbr to Jun, Chris Zjc, compssiont, dvotd tchr struggls with th nrly suprhumn tsk of tching innr-city childrn, mny from impovrishd nd brokn homs. .It fls lik you r in th clssroom with Mrs. Zjc. Trcy Kiddr dscribs rl tchr nd hr studnts nd tks th rdr with thm through th school yr. Zjc mngd to rlt th problms s wll s th succsss in th clssroom. Zjc is th kind of tchr tht prnt would wnt thir child to b round, bcus sh dos not only tchs bsic skills nd knowldg, but lso nturs nd dls with childrn who com to th clssroom with lot of bggg. Mrs. Zjc posssss ll trits tht vry tchr should hv: tough in loving wy, disciplind, slf-wr, nd willing to confss to hr own fults. Onc in whil whn sh rlizd tht sh is probbly boring, sh tris to shk up th lsson to void wtching bord studnts. Mrs. Mrs. Zjc is wondr tchr tht vry child should hv t lst onc in thir grd school crr, bcus sh posss ll ncssry qulitis of n xcllnt tchr. Sh is sympthtic, lmost to fult, bcus somtims sh givs too mny scond chncs to pupils who try to disordr hr clss, but sh lso mngs to gt through ll of thm, vn th ons who hd to b rmovd. Sh is hrd-working tchr nd lwys brings hom both th ppr grding nd th worris in which sh constntly rumints on ch studnt's lif nd how sh cn improv it. Sh dos not lv tchr flings t th school door nd s rsult lmost ll of innovtiv ids build up whil sh broods t hom ovr som kid's dilmm. Sh hs big hrt, nough to mbrc nd provid thm with unconditionl lov, spcilly to thos who xprincs hrdships t hom or vn to thos who dos not vn hv hom.In ordr to b n ffctiv tchr on hs to nturlly possss ll thos trits nd b bl to us thm in ordr to gt through to thir studnts. It is chllnging to b bl to s th diffrnc btwn "problm studnts" nd "good studnts" nd th chllngs thy prsnt in vry dy situtions. Th mjority of studnts in Mrs. Zjc's clss r Hispnic-- growing truth throughout th Unitd Stts--so long with th vrydy frustrtions of vry tchr, w s tht Mrs. Zjc hs n dditionl worklod imposd mrly by th prsnc of lngug brrir. Looking t fiv min rs of Mrs. Zjc's clssroom cn giv n insight into wht mks hr good tchr nd thos trits includ: tchr's intrction with th studnts, studnts' intrction with th tchr, studnts' intrction with othr studnts, contnt, nd nvironmnt.Sh intrcts in such wy tht studnts hv prcption tht sh wnts th bst out of thm, so thy try hrd in ordr to mt thos xpcttions. Whn Hnritt wntd to quit working on hr mth, Mrs. Zjc just tris to rpt hr xpcttions by sying, " No, Hnritt. You cn't quit. You hv to kp trying. You cn't just quit in lif, Hnritt." By following nd mting thos xpcttions, studnts t som point will try to outprform vn. nothr lsson tht cn b drivd from Mrs. Zjc's styl of tching is hr ttitud towrds trting studnts , whr sh sys "Trting studnts qully oftn mns trting thm vry diffrntly." Sh undrstnds tht vry studnt's bst is diffrnt, but just th fct tht h of sh trid to rch thir bst is lrdy nd indictor of succss. For xmpl, sh rlizd tht th ssy tht Jimmy wrot ws hug

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Victorian America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Victorian America - Essay Example The country gained 12 new states, doubling its geographical area, voted on 10 new amendments to their constitution and increased its population by more than twice its number at the beginning of this period. â€Å"Americans were becoming more diverse, more urban, and more mobile.†2 Slavery had legally come to an end and an entirely new population was struggling to redefine itself and find a home. Social norms were questioned and the preconceptions of the elders were no longer automatically assumed honorable. Technology had changed too, bringing with it the mechanized tools of the factory, enabling large groups of workers to earn living wages within a single location rather than struggle to grow crops out on the farm. With the advent of the machine and the production line, more and more Americans were moving to the cities to seek work, bringing the women in from the fields on the farms to the kitchens and family rooms of the middle class. This emerging middle class gave birth to what has since been referred to as the Cult of the True Woman, coined first by Barbara Welter in the mid-1960s3, a set of ideas and beliefs regarding the proper structure of the quintessential American family. However, through this ideology, women were brought into closer contact with one another, gaining power and voice enough to finally give rise to the feminist movements that marked the tremendous strides toward equal rights that were accomplished in the early part of the twentieth century. Through this process of growth and change, moving from the True Woman to the New Woman, the feminist movement was seen primarily as a masculine movement with very little to suggest the ‘feminisation of American culture’, with its emphasis on compassion, consideration, and control that would emerge in the twenty-first century. In leaving the farms for the cities with the new modernization of the cities and factories, Welter and others hypothesized that it became necessary for women to uphold the traditional ideologies the family had held dear while in a rural setting, thereby restricting them to a single idealized image of what embodies the True Woman.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Central problems with MAINSTREAM ECONOMICS Essay

Central problems with MAINSTREAM ECONOMICS - Essay Example There are various assumptions that are related to mainstream economics. One of them is the rational choice theory where individuals continually seek for the most cost effective means of achieving their desired goals with less reflection on the worthiness of the desired goal. The basic idea in here is individuals trying to maximize their benefits while at the same time reducing their costs. People decide on how they ought to act by making comparison of the resulting costs and benefits of their courses of action. Thus, the society in question develops a pattern of behavior in relation to these choices made. Another assumption is that of the representative agent. This refers to atypical decision maker of a given type for instance the typical firm or consumer. The notion behind this is that it is much easier to consider one typical decision maker rather than analyzing many of these different decisions (Nadeau 2009). However, economists ignore the representative agent when the differences occurring between individuals are central to the arising central point. The other assumption is that of rational expectation where the prediction of the future made by an agent of all economically relevant variables are not systematically wrong and the fact that all errors made are random. This shows that the expectations of the agents are the true statistical expected values. Much of the modeling of this modern economics explores the notion that other complicating factors have on various models. Here, individuals are viewed as units with a similar goal, which they are capable of maximizing through their rational behavior. The only difference arises in the specific objective geared towards maximization where individuals tend to maximize on their utility and firms tend to maximize on profits. There also exists a difference in the process of maximization

Friday, November 15, 2019

Preventing Accidents on Construction Sites

Preventing Accidents on Construction Sites This chapter investigates the health and safety measures that are currently in place to reduce accidents and injuries on construction sites. In order to prevent accidents in construction it is not just a matter of setting up a list of rules and making safety inspections, although both of these have their place (Holt, 2001). Holt (2001) suggests that a system for managing health and safety is required that meets the needs of the business and complies with the law. This chapter intends to identify these strategies used and highlight the benefits to the industry in implementing them. The most important overall method is to implement the CDM regulations 2007 successfully, however within these regulations there are specific measures that can provide better results. The HSE concluded in ‘Blackspot Construction’ that 70% of the deaths on construction sites could have been prevented by positive action by managers within the industry (Joyce, 2001). The general principles of prevention as stated in regulation 7 of the CDM regulations 2007 are as follows: i. Every person on whom a duty is placed by these Regulations in relation to the design, planning and preparation of a project shall take account of the general principles of prevention in the performance of those duties during all stages of the project. ii. Every person on whom a duty is placed by these Regulations in relation to the construction phase of a project shall ensure so far as is reasonably practicable that the general principles of prevention are applied in the carrying out of the construction work. Welfare Facilities The provision for health, safety and welfare of workers involved on construction sites was not included in the CDM Regulations 1994 as it was the responsibility of the CHSW 1996; however these regulations have now been revoked by the CDM regulations 2007. These regulations set out the requirements for the provision of welfare facilities to be provided by the contractors as it has recently been recognized that the health and safety of workers is directly affected by their personal welfare (Joyce, 2007). The provision of high welfare facilities is likely to reduce the number of accidents and injuries on construction sites as it promotes recruitment, good morale and employee retention. These reasons alone should be sufficient justification for the investment in welfare facilities which should encourage the client and contractors to ensure that they are provided on construction sites from the outset to an acceptable level. Without the provision of welfare facilities workers are likely to be cold, overheated, dirty, dehydrated and uncomfortable (Joyce, 2007), this in turn will have an effect on the efficiency and effectiveness of their work undertaken creating an unsafe environment to themselves and their fellow workers. The provision of welfare facilities can be seen as an important measure to reduce accidents on construction sites; however the contractors must ensure that they are cleaned and maintained throughout the entire duration of the construction work in order to achieve their full benefit to the industry. Education and Training Education and training plays a very important part in the reduction of accidents on construction sites which is a legal requirement under the Management of Health and Safety at Work regulations 1999 as well as more recently the CDM regulations 2007. It is the responsibility of the employer to provide such training during recruitment, at inductions or when being exposed to new or increased risks (Hughes Ferret 2007). The levels of education and training required covers a wide range of information such as specific company health and safety policies, risk assessments, method statements, safety procedures, good practice and legal requirements (Hughes Ferret 2005). It is evident that providing essential information through a high level of education and training will enable employees to carry out tasks with limited supervision, this in turn should reduce the likelihood of health and safety risks and therefore help reduce the number of accidents and injuries within the construction industry. Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) The Construction Skills Certification scheme has been set up to help improve the general quality of workmanship as well as to reduce accidents and injuries occurring on construction sites. This CSCS scheme helps to ensure that competent workers are registered within the construction industry, which is currently the largest scheme within the construction industry which covers over 220 different occupations. As a result of this these cards are becoming increasingly demanded throughout, in particular by clients and contractors in order for workers to provide proof of their occupational competence and therefore gain access onto construction sites throughout the UK. This scheme has been supported by construction authorities such as the Major Contractors Group (MCG), National Contractors Federation (NCF) and the Major Home Builders Group (MHG) as it shows they have passed the CITB – Construction Skills Health and Safety Test. If these cards are made mandatory as a standard requirement within the construction industry then it will ensure that the general health and safety awareness of construction workers on construction sites with regards to health and safety risks will significantly improve, therefore more than likely reduce the number of accidents and fatalities within the industry. Competence Assessments The CDM regulations 2007 have highlighted the increased awareness that the employment of competent workers is likely to reduce the number of accidents within the construction industry. This is evident from the increased vigour of worker competence assessments that are required before a work operative can start work. Competence assessments are carried out in order to assess whether a person is suited to carry out a job which is a method used to reduce accident on construction sites. It is the author’s opinion that competent people are more aware of health and safety risks surrounding them which they can therefore deal with before an accident occurs. The level of competence required is proportionate to the risks arising from the construction work (Joyce, 2007) which is stated in the ACoP so no work undertaken should be carried out by an unable worker. The term competence is not defined in the CDM regulations however a definition made during a civil court case in 1962 sates that a competent person is: A person with practical and theoretical knowledge as well as sufficient experience of the particular machinery, plant or procedure involved to enable them to identify defects or weaknesses during plant and machinery examinations, and to assess their importance in relation to the strength and function of that plant and machinery. The concept of confidence underpins the CDM regulations 2007 because no duty holder can be appointed unless they are competent themselves, this is required by regulation 4(1)(a): No person on whom these Regulations place a duty shall appoint or engage a CDM co-coordinator, designer, principal contractor or contractor unless he has taken steps to ensure that the person to be appointed or engaged is competent. In order to prevent incompetent people assessing the competence of others, the CDM regulations set out a statement in regulation 4(1)(b): No person on whom these Regulations place a duty shall accept an appointment or engagement unless he is competent. The introduction of the CDM Regulations 2007 clearly shows that competence assessment is an important measure to prevent accident on construction sites and must be implemented further if these measures are to be highly successful. Designing to reduce risks The introduction of the CDM regulations 2007 has provided a bigger emphasis on designing out risks in the planning stage of construction projects. Increased responsibility has been placed on designers as a result of the introduction of the CDM regulations 2007 to eliminate hazards before they have chance to occur. Holt (2001) suggests that the method of prevention to remove the risk of a hazard at the design stage is likely to be more effective than to establish a control strategy, especially as it would rely on people to work in the correct way which is not always likely to happen. An example of this may be for a designer to prevent from specifying fragile roofing materials which could present the opportunity for people to fall through. In the event of a designer unable to completely eliminate health and safety risks at the design stage, then the design and specification can still make a significant difference to actions carried out on site. It should emphasize ways in which work should be carried out in order to provide minimal health and safety risks to workers. The extra time spent that may result from a more detailed design process should be repaid through savings of time and money, and possibly lives throughout the construction process (Holt, 2001). Communication The variety of measures in place in order to reduce accidents and fatalities on construction sites which are evident from the ongoing literature review throughout this chapter. The successfulness of these measures however is dependant on effective communication, particularly when implementing training and education as it will dramatically improve work operatives understanding of health and safety risks. Hughes and Ferret (2007) suggest that many problems regarding health and safety on construction sites is a result of poor communication between management and the workforce within an organization, this often arises from ambiguities or possible accidental distortion. There are 3 basic methods of communicating health and safety information within the construction industry identified by Hughes Ferret (2007) as verbal, written and graphic. The most common of these methods is verbal communication via speech or word of mouth, this type of communication should only be used when providing simple instructions or information generally during meetings or training sessions, these are generally known as ‘tool box’ talks. In order for the implementation of verbal communication to be successful, the spokesperson needs to ensure that the messages they are trying to relay are clear and prevent confusion, the receiver should then demonstrate some form of understanding in order to prove they clear on what is expected of them before undertaking any work. This method of accident prevention can have its drawbacks and be a regular cause of accidents on construction sites if a verbal instruction has not been understood. Hughes and Ferret (2007) suggest that this may be as a result of a number of factors such as language and dialect barriers, use of technical language and abbreviations, background noise and distractions, hearing problems, ambiguities in the message, mental weaknesses and learning disabilities, lack of interest and attention. Despite the potential limitations that exist with verbal communications, there are also a number of benefits that it brings to construction sites if carried out successfully. Communication in this manner is less formal, enables the exchange of information to take place quickly and can be carried out close to the workplace (Hughes Ferret, 2007). Written communication involves the use of emails, reports, notice boards etc. in order to communicate information regarding health and safety. Potential problems involved with this form of communication are that the language used may be difficult to understand and affect the level of comprehension. Detailed reports may not be read properly due to time constraints and notice boards may be positioned in the wrong places with out of date and irrelevant information. The main benefit of using written communication, in particular emails, is that it provides a quicker method to ensure that messages get to all the people that may be concerned which is an important measure which could be implemented further to reduce accidents on construction sites (Hughes Ferret, 2007). Graphical communication is carried out through the use of photographs, drawings, posters and videos. This type of communication is often used to inform workers of health and safety information such as fire exits and HS propaganda. This is regarded as being a relatively effective method of communication as it has no barriers with regards to language or dialect and displays a simple message that can be remembered. The potential limitations regarding this procedure is that the graphics may very quickly become out of date or in the case of posters, be ignored (Hughes Ferret). Improvements in Technology A key measure in which to reduce accidents on construction sites is through the use of up to date technologies. This view is supported by (reference) who suggests that new technologies in construction sites are not only likely to help prevent accidents and injuries on construction sites but also improve the overall efficiency of construction projects. This view is also supported by Holt (2001) who suggests that keeping up to date with new technology can bring an added benefit to the industry and generally improve site conditions. The introduction of new technology may be in the form of improved software, software often gets up-graded quickly with new and improved packages that should be installed to benefit the industry. It may also involve improvements in technology such as the new Blackberry; this can incorporate cell phone capability and email connectivity into a single device that will benefit employers relaying safety messages quickly and directly to employees on site, therefore improving coordination between site operatives. New technology may also be in the form of site equipment and plant, for instance the use of mechanical systems such as hoists and lifts should be replaced instead of manual operations, this is not only likely to increase productivity on site but also prevent the likelihood of injuries such as back problems. The introduction of improved technologies into construction sites in an attempt to reduce accidents and injures is largely dependant on the level of training that accompanies it. Employers must be aware that productivity on site may not be at its peak during the period of change as new software and equipment requires training and adjustments to that of old technologies. However, if sufficient training is provided to accompany the new technology and software then employees will be able to harness the power of new technologies and provide numerous benefits to the construction industry. Risks Assessments Risk assessments are an important measure used to reduce HS risks on construction sites, they are a legal requirement of many HS legislations during the planning stage of a project so that plans can be put in place to control potential risks as assessed in Chapter 2 of this study. A risk assessment involves an examination of the potential risks that may cause harm to people which cannot be avoided through the design process of a project, the risk assessments should only identify the significant risks that apply to the construction project and ignore the trivial risks that are not likely to result in an accident or fatality. They are carried out in order for organisations to establish whether they have taken enough precautions or to identify if they could do more to prevent the likelihood of an accident or fatality on the construction site (HSE, 2006a). Risk assessments are used to decide on priorities and set objectives for eliminating hazards and reducing risks, if this is possible it is usually through selection and design of facilities, equipment and processes. However if they cannot be eliminated they are minimised by the use of physical controls or, as a last resort, through systems of work and personal protective equipment (Hughes Ferrett, 2007). ‘A hazard is something with potential to cause harm. The harm will vary in severity some hazards may cause death, some serious illness or disability, others only cuts and bruises. A Risk is the combination of the severity of harm with the likelihood of it happening.’ Hughes and Ferrett (2007) identifies two basic forms of risk assessments, these are ‘quantitative’, which involves risks given a numerical value and ‘qualitative’ which is the most common form of risk assessment in the construction industry which is based purely on personal judgement and then quantified as being either high, medium or low risk in terms of its severity. The HSE (2006a) identified the following 5 key steps in order to asses the risk in a workplace: Step 1: Identify the hazards Step 2: Decide who might be harmed and how Step 3: Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions Step 4: Record your findings and implement them Step 5: Review your assessment and update if necessary If these steps are followed by every construction organisation throughout the UK then it will make a big difference to reducing the number of accidents and fatalities on construction sites which is regarded as being the principal aim of risk assessments, this aim however is also dependant on the competence of people carrying out the risk assessment and also the communication of their findings. An example of a risk assessment form can be seen in Appendix 2. Health and Safety Culture HSE publication HSG 65, Successful Health and Safety Management Health and Safety Inductions Health and Safety Policies Health and Safety Policies are an important measure that are required by law for every organisation to produce. The can play a key role in reducing accidents and fatalities on construction sites. They have been assessed in greater detail in chapter 2, section 8.4. Managing Risks during construction The introduction of the CDM regulations have also placed more emphasis on managing risks during construction in order to target the high level of accidents and fatalities on construction sites. This measure involves creating a well established management system that controls the potential risks faced during a construction project and deciding what should be done about them. This may involve giving collective protective measures priority over individual measures to provide the biggest benefit to the health and safety of everyone involved. This may involve removing hazardous dust by exhaust ventilation rather than providing a filtering respirator to an individual worker (Rowlinson, 2004). It is therefore the role of a manager, such as the principal contractor to assess the most appropriate protective measures to use during the construction process and ensure that people under his command abide by these management decisions. Managing risks during construction may also be in the form of giving appropriate instructions to employees. This may involve making sure that all employees are fully aware of specific company policies, risk assessments, method statements, safety procedures, good practice, official guidance, and any legal requirements that they must follow (Holt, 2001). Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) It is the opinion of (make up a reference) that Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should only be used as a control measure as a last resort to try to reduce accidents and fatalities on construction sites. This is due to the fact that it does not eliminate the hazard and will present the wearer with the maximum health and safety risk if the equipment fails. Hughes and Ferrett (2007) identify a number of limitations as to why PPE should only be used as a last resort such as the equipment only protects the person wearing it and doesn’t take into account the effects the risk may have on others working nearby; it relies on people wearing the equipment at all times which people do not often do; it must be used properly which requires training, this could result in a loss of time and productivity and it must be replaced when it no longer offers the appropriate levels of protection. Aside from these limitations the use of PPE still provides certain benefits to the industry and is an important measure to reduce, or at least prevent the level of accidents on construction sites. PPE enables workers to have immediate protection to allow a job to continue; in an emergency it can be the only practicable way of effecting rescue or shutting down plant; and it can be used to carry out work in confined spaces where alternatives are impracticable (Hughes Ferrett, 2007). The Construction Phase Plan The Health and Safety File The Construction Phase Plan and The Health and Safety File which were introduced by the CDM regulations both help to reduce accidents and injuries on construction sites. They have been discussed previously in Chapter 1, Section 7.2 in greater detail on the positive impacts they have on the construction industry. It is the opinion of the author that these measures to reduce accidents on construction sites should be reviewed periodically to ensure that they are still effective and to introduce new improvements to these measures. In the event of a serious accident or incident occurring on a construction site, then an immediate review of the risk control measures in place should be carried out to identify the problem and why it occurred. Cost of implementation of the CDM regulations 2007 The HSC has claimed that the CDM regulations are likely to save the construction industry  £2.7 billion, through reduced bureaucracy and a further benefit to the construction industry by up to  £3.2 billion by reduced loss of working time (Joyce, 2007), this however is likely to be the best case scenario, the HSC concluded that in the worst case scenario the introduction of the CDM regulations 2007 could cost the construction industry  £660 million (Joyce, 2007). The financial cost of implementing these measures of prevention through the CDM regulations may be regarded as costly to the industry; however it is the authors opinion the benefit of implementing theses regulations successfully and reducing the number of fatalities and accidents on construction sites is a small price to pay as it benefits the industry as a whole by the factors outlined below. This view is supported by Robert E McKee who commented that â€Å"Safety is, without doubt, the most crucial investment we can make, And the question is not what it costs us, but what it saves†. 4.6 Benefits of accident prevention The measures identified in section 4.1 above highlight the main factors that can assist in preventing accidents and fatalities on construction sites. The implementations of measures to prevent accidents are extremely worthwhile as they provide a number of benefits to the construction industry which are discussed below. 6.6.1 Cost in human suffering The cost in human suffering, physical pain and hardship resulting from death and disability is impossible to quantify (Holt, 2001). The accident and fatality statistics analyzed in chapter 3 provide the author with background knowledge that there are an alarming amount of accidents and fatalities within the construction industry each year. This is likely to have had a significant impact on the lives of workers and their families causing a considerable amount of disruption. This is one of the major reasons why these statistics need to be reduced and try to achieve a safer construction industry. 6.6.2 Moral Moral reasons stem from a developing public awareness that something needs to be done to raise the quality of life within the construction industry (Holt, 2001). It is becoming increasingly evident that the safety of workers within the construction industry is being put at risks for reasons such as potential increased profits. It is of the author’s opinion that this is morally wrong and should be prevented which in turn will benefit the construction industry as a result of fewer accidents. In order to increase workers moral within the industry (Holt, 2001) workers should be actively involved in accident prevention programmes, this is likely to increase the productivity of work and prevent weakened worker moral through a reduction in accidents on site. 6.6.3 Legal Legal reasons are contained in state law, which details steps to be taken and objectives to be met, and which carries the threat of prosecution or other enforcement action as a consequence of failure to comply (Holt, 2001). The prevention of fatalities is likely to reduce legal action faced by organizations which in turn is likely to reduce cost in terms of money and adverse publicity as there will be a reduction in the number of workers able to gain compensation. 6.6.4 Financial The benefit of accident prevention is likely to have a significant impact on financial reasons which will ensure the continuing financial health of a business and avoid the costs associated with accidents (Holt, 2001). These costs can be both direct cost such as production delays which include the cost of compensation as well as indirect costs such as management time spent on investigations and fines. Conclusion of chapter The analysis of measures to reduce accident and fatalities on construction sites along with the benefits that these measures bring, highlight the fact that a good safety record and document safety management systems can more than repay the time spent of achieving it. A reduction in accidents and fatalities through increased measures to prevent them will significantly reduce the problems identified in section 6.6 and therefore significantly benefit the construction industry as a whole. This chapter highlights many control systems and mechanisms that are in place to decrease the chances of accident and injuries within the construction industry, however Chapter Four: Methodology This chapter discusses the different methodological approaches for this study and expands on the outline methodology highlighted in chapter 1. Detailed accounts of the specific research strategies are also examined, highlighting the methods used to analyze and interpret the data collected. Each question chosen for the questionnaire will be examined stating why it was chosen, what it hoped to achieve, and how it relates to the research aim and objectives. Finally, the location of the study and methodological restrictions are also considered. Approach Several methodologies to assess the effectiveness, success and problems of CDM regulations have been used in the past, notably sample groups, influence network models, case studies and statistical analysis (reference). The case study approach analyses a very small number of duty holders using semi-structured surveys, and over a number of periods (e.g. quote people and times). Although this methodology can be detailed, results can be extremely unrepresentative. Resultantly, the sample group methodology was chosen for this study, which follows the same layout, but with a much larger number of duty holders. Academics such as (reference) and (reference) have used this type of methodology in the past. The sample group methodology was most appropriate for this study, as data was needed from multiple different duty holders in order to make comparisons and generalizations. Using influence network models was deemed less appropriate than a sample technique as this tended to concentrate on influences for poor health and safety rather than the effectiveness of the CDM Regulations 2007. Criteria for evaluating effectiveness In order to gain useful information it was important to understand what the outcome would be compared to (Moore, 2000), therefore, at this stage the ultimate outcome for measuring the effectiveness of the revised CDM regulations would be to measure the impact they have had on accident statistics on construction sites. This measure however takes a long period of time for changes to manifest themselves and enable a comparison to that of the CDM regulations 1994. As the introduction of the CDM regulations 2007 only came into force in April 2007, a number of different measures have been implemented throughout this study in order to measure the early effectiveness of the new CDM regulations. Table 7.1 below shows the steps taken with the required source of evidence to indicate that an early impact has been made. Effectiveness means the capability of producing an effect ( and in this case, it can be assumed that with reference to this study the intended effect of the CDM regulations is to reduce accident statistics on construction sites. Table 7.1 Impact outcome of the revised CDM Regulations Step Outcome measure Indicative evidence of outcome 1 Duty holder awareness that CDM regulations have been revised Events and articles to launch the revised CDM Regulations 2 Duty holder obtains information about revised CDM Regulations Sales and downloads of the revised CDM regulations and guidance material 3 Duty holder acts internally on contents of revised CDM regulations Duty holder acknowledges clarity in the regulations and better known what is expected of them 4 Improvements in management and design practice appear Positive duty holder views on the improved flexibility in the fit of the revised CDM regulations to a wide range of contractual arrangements. Improved information flow including from the clients. Improved competence assessments. Improved communication, cooperation and coordination between duty holders. Improved health and safety files. Reduced bureaucracy and paperwork. Clients committed to ensuring the safe management of projects. Coordinators are perceived as adding value. 5 Improvements in risk management through good design apparent in specifications and drawings. More on-site hazards are eliminated and thus appear less frequently on drawings / specifications. More resid

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

High School and Handball Essay

There should always be something special to you that will warm your heart when you think of it. As I sit at home everyday, I think of this special thing that will brighten my day and get me off my seat. Ever since I can remember, handball was one of the few things I never got bored of in my life. Handball to me is more than a sport or something to past time. It has been a way for me to meet new people and make new friends. It all began when I was a little kid. I would always play games and never stop even if my parents took them away. But nothing could stop me from waking up at night secretly, and playing my Game Boy until I fell asleep. Then there was that one day when my mom bought me this red bouncy ball. She told me to play with it instead of my stupid games. I listened to her, and I started playing with the ball daily. At that time, I didn’t know what this ball would bring to my life, but soon I realized. After playing countless hours, I stopped staying up late, because I was so exhausted. I didn’t just bounce the ball around my house because I was bored. Sometimes, I threw it at my house walls and smacked it back with my hand so it wouldn’t get past me. This was probably when I first started doing something similar to what we know as â€Å"handball. † As I was a teenager, there was this park across the street from my junior high school. The park was quite big and was called Seth Low Park. I remember one day, during 6th grade, a friend of mine, named Nabeel asked me if I wanted to play handball with him after school at Seth Low Park. Excitedly, I told him that I would love to, but I didn’t know how to play. He didn’t mind, so after school that day, I went to play with him. He told me that all I had to do was hit the ball to the wall with my hands. I was eager to try this sport, so I practiced with him every day. He noticed that I was a quick learner and asked me if I ever played handball before. I told him I used to smack a ball around at home and he commented on how well I could return the ball to the wall. I didn’t know what to say. This was my first time playing, and it seemed like I was a better player than he was. I guess I really was born to be a handball player. As years went by, the only thing that I cared about was school and handball. Whenever I stressed from school or wanted to feel free and away from work, I would put on my shorts and run out to play. Nothing matters to me when I step on the court. I forget everything and just concentrate on my game. My love for handball was so great that when the sun had set and the sky was dark, I was still at the park swinging away my arm. Sometimes my arm began to hurt after playing for several hours but I continued to play, ignoring the pain. Even with these side effects, handball has helped me improve my reflexes and increased my stamina. Even to this day I still play handball. My present reflects my past on how I play. I keep getting better and better and every once in a while I meet new people, who are even better than me or people who play around my level. And as I get better, I helped them realize their mistakes and flaws which made me a better player as well. When I have a hard game, I feel challenged and it’s a wonderful feeling when you step on a court with another good player. When I win, it feels even better but when I lose I know I tried my best. However, as I played more and more handball, I realized I had a gift in this sport. I couldn’t wait to play in real competition in high school. Apparently, I realized I was better then a lot of people, so I tried out for the Madison handball team. I was really surprised when I got in because I had to play against the top players in the school. I was so sure that I would not make the cut, but I did and I was really excited. I couldn’t wait for the 1st practice and see how good the team was. After a few days of practice, I realized there were a lot of good players on the team. This motivated me to practice harder and get better at the sport. In the future, I hope I will have enough time to continue playing handball. It has had a huge impact on my life and I will never forget about it. It is both a great sport, and a friend to me that has helped me through rough times. When I did not know what to do, I turned to handball. It takes my mind off problems and most importantly, when I need it, its there. Meeting new people through handball and becoming friends with them is a wonderful thing. There is always something to share with them and they are always there at the handball courts with you. Handball will always have a special place in my life because without it, I would be another boring person.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Dark Matter: a Basic Understanding

Dark Matter: A Basic Understanding Introduction Many people, from the inquisitive, to those involved in the astronomical sciences have questioned the existence of Dark Matter. While it is called many things today, I will continue to refer to this unseen substance by its original name, Dark Matter. As it is still a theory being researched today to validate its existence and make-up, the discovery of dark matter was first presented to the world some time ago by two very intelligent astronomers. In coming to understand this matter, some of the most common questions we find ourselves asking are: What is it?And, How was it discovered? The most difficult question we all seem to face is â€Å"Does it really exist? † While quite tricky, this question is one that each of us have to conclude an answer to on our own. Therefore to start, I will address the more common questions first, and then I will provide my own answer to the question of its existence. Dark Matter: What is it? When fir st being introduced to Dark Matter, the first question we find ourselves asking is what is it? In and out of the scientific community dark matter is commonly referred to as â€Å"the source of extra gravity,† or the â€Å"mysterious form of matter that is unseen. A more refined scientific definition for dark matter is â€Å"a nonluminous, undetectable, invisible material in the universe that makes up about 70%-80% of its mass. † In short, dark matter is an unseen form of material that contains its own gravity which affects its surrounding materials; i. e. gases, stellar, and celestial bodies. With truly dedicated astronomers and cosmologists focused on the structure and composition of the cosmos, this brings me to explaining how this invisible matter called â€Å"dark matter† was discovered. Dark Matter: How Was It Discovered?In 1932 and 1933, astronomers Jan Hendrick Oort and Fritz Zwicky were the first to postulate the idea of the existence of dark matter. In studying the stellar motions of stars within the galactic plane of the Milky Way galaxy, Astronomer Jan Oort observed that the rotational velocity of stars on this outermost part of the galaxy (galactic plane) was actually increasing versus decreasing. This in itself presented a reason to question this stellar movement further since, based on Newton’s law of gravity, the rotational velocity of stars should steadily decrease the further they are from the galactic center.Oort continued his observations on stellar motions, while astronomer Fritz Zwicky carried out his studies and observations on galactic clusters and how they remained gravitationally bound. During Zwicky’s observations, here is where dark matter was discovered on a much more massive scale. Through Zwicky’s research, he found that there needed to be 10 times as much mass as observed in the form of visible light in order to keep galaxies clustered together. This observation was clear to Zwicky, as i t had been to Oort, that there was a large sum of mass existing within the cosmos that was simply â€Å"non-visible. At this point, astronomers simply referred to this material as â€Å"missing mass. † Being that the peculiar stellar movement counters Newton’s law of gravity, and occurs in the outermost part of the galaxy known as â€Å"galaxy halo’s,† both Oort and Zwicky hypothesized that this â€Å"dark matter† must exist in a spherical form that enshrouds the outermost part of galaxies, thus keeping them from flying apart. In understanding how this matter was discovered, this brings me to the final and most important question, and that is determining if it really exists.Dark Matter: Does It Really Exist? The evidence supporting the existence of dark matter today is very convincing, yet in the scientific community, it is still a theory. Giving a definite answer as to whether it exists is solely up to the individual. Despite this, astronomers ar e continuing to find more convincing information that supports the dark matter theory. For instance, an August 2012 article published in â€Å"Science News Today,† discussed evidence of dark matter filaments (fibers or threads of dark matter) discovered by astronomer Jorg Dietrich and his colleagues.Dietrich and his colleague’s x-ray observations of a pair galaxy clusters called Abell 222/223, revealed a ribbon of hot gas between the clusters. This, along with the galaxies distorted shapes and how light was bent was the first hint of the presence of dark matter. Continued observation of the galaxy clusters revealed a thick cord of invisible matter with a mass comparable to that of a small galaxy cluster. Dietrich states that gas can account for only about 9 percent of that mass, dark matter appears to make up the rest. Conclusion:In understanding that dark matter is an unseen material which contains its own gravity, the theory alone provides a unique way of understandi ng the structure of our universe. Most importantly, the work of astronomer’s Jan Oort and Fran Zwicky set the stage for astronomers to seek out and understand possible unseen forces at work within our cosmos. This is exactly what astronomer J. Deitrich and his colleague’s did. While there is a host of significant evidence supporting the theory of dark matter, Deitrich and his colleague’s evidence was eye-opening.In concluding if it actually exists, in my opinion its presence is already confirmed. Works Cited Jones, Andrew, and Daniel Robbins. â€Å"The Universe’s Dark Matter and Dark Energy, String theory for dummies. † Dummies. com. Dummies. biz. 2012. Web. 14 Nov. 2012. NASA. What is Dark Matter? Washington: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, 23 Feb. 2012. Web. 14 Nov. 2012. Powell, Devin. â€Å"Dark Matter Filament Illuminated. † Science News Magazine 11 Aug. 2012: 9+. Print. White, Mark. â€Å"Rotation Curves. † Berkel ey Astronomy Department. University of California at Berkeley. 2011. Web. 15 Nov. 2012.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Caged Bird Essay

The anguish of imprisonment is indeed a hard thing to take. Especially when others are free to make it’s own choices, free to do what they wishes and to go where they will. â€Å"Caged Bird,† written by Maya Angelou, depicts the carefree life of a free bird and the incredible desire for freedom of the caged bird. The caged bird desperately wants to be let free but is denied, and the only option is to sing, laments for its lost freedom. The birds are personified in the lives of humans in emotions, physical imprisonment, and moral attachments. Freedom is the only way for the caged bird to achieve true happiness. The free bird does not need to speak at all. It is content; it has all it wants and all it needs. The free bird looks forward to the small things in life because it regrets and desire nothing, â€Å"The free bird thinks of another breeze and the trade winds soft through the sighing trees and the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright lawn,† All it wants is more wind to fly on and food to live, that’s all it needs. The world is filled with obstacle unseen dangers, but the caged bird is willing to endure them because it has its freedom. The caged bird is safe and well taken care of; it does not need to worry about food, predators, or the bitter elements. However, it is willing to give up that protection in return for freedom. Because life is a series of experiences, to do nothing day in and day out it to not live. It would rather take the chance of living in the dangerous world than being cooped up in a caged, â€Å"his wings are clipped and his feet are tied,† it ca n not go anywhere. â€Å"The caged bird sings with a fearful trill of things longed for still and his tune is heard on the distant hill for the caged bird sings for freedom,† the caged bird sings tirelessly for freedom. It is the only thing it desires, its only want, and its only hope. It wishes to be able to do what the free bird can. The cages bird is almost like ... Free Essays on Caged Bird Essay Free Essays on Caged Bird Essay The anguish of imprisonment is indeed a hard thing to take. Especially when others are free to make it’s own choices, free to do what they wishes and to go where they will. â€Å"Caged Bird,† written by Maya Angelou, depicts the carefree life of a free bird and the incredible desire for freedom of the caged bird. The caged bird desperately wants to be let free but is denied, and the only option is to sing, laments for its lost freedom. The birds are personified in the lives of humans in emotions, physical imprisonment, and moral attachments. Freedom is the only way for the caged bird to achieve true happiness. The free bird does not need to speak at all. It is content; it has all it wants and all it needs. The free bird looks forward to the small things in life because it regrets and desire nothing, â€Å"The free bird thinks of another breeze and the trade winds soft through the sighing trees and the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright lawn,† All it wants is more wind to fly on and food to live, that’s all it needs. The world is filled with obstacle unseen dangers, but the caged bird is willing to endure them because it has its freedom. The caged bird is safe and well taken care of; it does not need to worry about food, predators, or the bitter elements. However, it is willing to give up that protection in return for freedom. Because life is a series of experiences, to do nothing day in and day out it to not live. It would rather take the chance of living in the dangerous world than being cooped up in a caged, â€Å"his wings are clipped and his feet are tied,† it ca n not go anywhere. â€Å"The caged bird sings with a fearful trill of things longed for still and his tune is heard on the distant hill for the caged bird sings for freedom,† the caged bird sings tirelessly for freedom. It is the only thing it desires, its only want, and its only hope. It wishes to be able to do what the free bird can. The cages bird is almost like ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Australian Politics essays

Australian Politics essays 1.A shift to a republic would be in Australia's best interests. There have been a series of debates on the actual future of the Australian state. On the one hand, there are some who suggest that Australia would have a better future as an independent and sovereign republic; on the other hand, the current status as part of the Commonwealth is considered to be a better option for the nation and the state. However, serious attempts have been made and discussions are underway for what would the government consider to be by 2020 the Australian state and an Australian head of state (BBC, 2008). In order to have a better assessment of this issue, there are several aspects to be taken into consideration which support the idea of an Australian republic and an Australian head of state rather than an overall monarchical rule. First, todays reality is one of independent and sovereign state, not one of former empires. As stated by the foreign Minister, a split from the British monarchy was inevitable. (BBC, 2008) It is not so much the mere fact that Australia is formally still entrenched in the remains of an empire which seized to exist decades ago. It is more the issue of modernity and of the role Australia came to play in the world in recent decades. In this sense, it is one of the most important countries in the Asia Pacific region and should therefore have a defining and sovereign head of state in order to allow the country to run its affairs independently from any outside force. Second, there is also the matter of the national identity worldwide. In this sense, there are voices suggesting that the Australian state, due to the fact that it has always been associated with the image of the British Empire does not have a national identity, one that could be constructed and built upon in the decades and centuries to come. More precisely, these voices suggest that the maintenance of the monarchical rule can da...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Racial Discrimination Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Racial Discrimination - Research Paper Example The enforcement of laws under Title VII is done by The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and does not protect age discrimination or disability discrimination that are dealt by the Age Discrimination in Employment Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Employers under the jurisdiction of Title VII include private sector companies whose commercial operations affect â€Å"interstate commerce† and who employ 15 or more employees, Federal, state, and local government employers, Unions, Employment agencies (making hiring referrals). The law permits discrimination on religion, sex, and national origin if there is a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) rationally essential for standard business operations. Organizations that are exempted from Title VII prohibitions and protections are religious organizations, scholastic institutions, or societies, employing persons of a particular religion; bona fide, tax-exempt private clubs; contracts that contain a Bona fi de occupational qualification necessary to perform the job; and aliens employed outside the United States. It is important to note that Title VII does not prohibit all discrimination. Employers are open to study factors such as experience; job knowledge, personality characteristics, provided those factors are interconnected to the job in question. Title VII remedies include reinstatement, back pay, damages and attorney's fees (Feldman, Fox & Morgado, PA). Backpay and similar retrospective support, presented to recipients of employer discrimination, is proposed to reimburse individuals for monetary losses straightforwardly traceable to discriminatory practices. Front pay is remuneration granted for lost compensation (opportunity cost) during the period between judgment and reinstatement. Similar to back pay, front pay fundamentally is the counterpart of lost incomes. A principal petitioner can recover attorney fees under Title VII, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Furthermore, main parties recover "costs" which include filing fees, transcripts, and other entries. Punitive damages exist in cases result from under Title VII (discrimination because of race, sex, national origin, and religion) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), but not the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA). These damages are created to reprimand past misconducts and discourage future wrongdoings, and the plaintiff must demonstrate that the employer acted with "malice" or in irresponsible neglect for federally protected legal rights. Elements necessary to establish a prima facie case of employment discrimination? The plaintiff must initially present a prima facie case of discrimination. A prima facie case is that minimum amount of evidence required to claim a legitimate question of discrimination (Air Force Alternative Dispute Resolution Program).

Friday, November 1, 2019

Consensus Between Violence And Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Consensus Between Violence And Argument - Essay Example Eristic dialogue covers argumentation, a social debate where victory over an antagonist is the primary goal. This art of right argument protects their self-interest incoherent dialogue and in the process of dialogue. The art of argumentation is used in law, in trials when preparing arguments for court presentation and in the testing legitimacy of evidence.Right argument comprises identifying premises where conclusions are derived, the establishment of â€Å"burden of proof† to determine the person who made an initial claim and identifying goals of contributors in dialogue. At the end of an argument, a valid conclusion must be given with good reason explaining the same. A good argument must be built with two premises and one concluding remark. Argumentation is good in a situation where evidence does not exist especially in handling scientific, epistemic, nature, and moral where science cannot apply. Violence is good in handling dispute like border disputes, insurgency, and host ility.In politics, some kinds of argumentation are morally wrong, and some kinds of violence are morally right. Argumentation is never a solution in many nations since it only works when there is peace in the nation, and no other nation wants to attack the nation in question. Argumentation is morally upright only if the nations under conflict also handle disputes through argumentation. If the nations under disagreement handle the dispute in different angles, then violence is morally right for a nation to defend itself from intrusion.